
Data network management outsourcing, i.e. comprehensive technical care of IT by an external service provider, has become a generally accepted trend. Our clients include companies that have never had any IT Department but also companies that have calculated that outsourcing is more efficient during their development, so they have decided to replace their internal IT by  a more sophisticated external team that is reliable  and that will provide a  reliable operation of its local computer network.

We provide outsourcing either completely  or in a scope according to the client’s needs. We solve not only the most demanding work  but often also standard technical work, which, however, exceeds the capacity of internal informatics due to its time-consuming nature.

Further, we provide outsourcing as subcontractors in cooperation and under  auspices of multinational IT companies  which set rules and appreciate especially expertise, performance and loyalty of our employees.

Client Workstation Management

Solution of all service requirements at customer’s workstations, whether the need arose due to  a technical or program failure, or as a result of unavailability of communication services, or  as a problem of user ignorance on the side of  operator. We do not overwhelm users with unfamiliar terms, we design a solution that we can clearly explain and implement quickly, efficiently and at affordable prices.

Server Administration

Network environment management and maintenance, server administration, and repairs and updates of technical and software resources on servers. Creating and verifying security policy and organizing routine work such as data backup and archiving, updating system, application and security software.

Network Infrastructure Management

We perform installation and repairs of network infrastructure (cabling, Wi-Fi equipment) especially in metallic or Wi-Fi elements, however, in cooperation with our partners, we solve also optical fibers welding.